
Thursday, September 29, 2011

MOMENTUM 5th Magazine + Your Big Year Competition

Dear Momentumweb Readers,

I hope you're all doing very well and wish you success in all your endeavours.

I am sending out this message to all of you since October 15th, 2011 is the DEADLINE to send us your writings (poems, articles, blogs, etc) and/or artwork to for the 5th MOMENTUM Magazine (please CC me at

The main themes of this 5th edition will be Youth and ICTs as well as youth engagement through participating in local, regional and international conferences (One Young World 2011, World Youth Congress, SPECQUE, CIVICUS Youth Assembly, etc). If you want to write on another subject, feel free to do that as long as it's original and interesting! Remember, you can write in English, Spanish, French or Arabic.

The second reason I am emailing you today is to invite you to participate in Your Big Year Competition. Your Big Year was created by Smaller Earth as a way to engage people in the themes of entrepreneurship and global citizenship. It uses an incredible prize of a trip to 5 continents meeting community and world leaders to create excitement but everyone who enters get placed in a draw for a Smaller Earth project and the 12 finalists will all be flown to Liverpool in March 2012.

If you want to participate in Your Big Year, register at :

You'll need to enter a Referral Email. Mine is

With my best wishes!

Yassir EL Ouarzadi
Co-Founder and Executive Director
MOMENTUM : Mission, Passion, Expression
Join us at :

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Poem : One Young World is the way ...

Hi friends, members and supporters!

Here, I share with you a poem I wrote during my participation at the One Young World 2011 Summit that was held in Zurich, Switzerland last week. I hope you appreciate it! Please don't hesitate to add your comments, ideas, insights and suggestions. 

Poem : One Young World is the way ...

Written by Yassir EL Ouarzadi
Moroccan Delegate, OYW Ambassador (Morocco/Canada)

Asia, Europe, America ...
Australia and Africa ...
All of us share a vision ...
And a common mission ...
That is to inspire our generation ...
To engage with the population ...


Let's join hands today,
To make our planet united, I say,
One Young World, let's UNITE, 
To make change, continue the fight ....


Many companies, NGOs and governments are listening to ME and YOU, 
They wanna help us out to get through ...
The obstacles we face everyday ...
When we get involved, per say !


Information. Inspiration. Action.
Mission. Passion. Expression.
What a great place to be !
To learn from each other, see ...
OYW fellow delegates, founders ...
Partners, collaborators and stakeholders ...
When there is a Will, there is a Way 
And One Young World is the Way ...

Yassir EL Ouarzadi  

Co-Founder and Executive Director
MOMENTUM Magazine & Youth Network |

MOMENTUM: Mission. Passion. Expression.

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