
Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Dear MOMENTUM members and supporters,

Our community keeps growing as new members join us to express their points of view and their reflections on what is happening around the world, and especially how youth can contribute to the betterment of our globalized society. Thanks to the motivation and dedication of our volunteers, country ambassadors, sponsors and supporters, we are glad to provide you, through our online platform, with a Social Network for Changemakers and invite YOU to contribute and support us by spreading the word about our youth-led magazine that aims to inform and inspire youth to "be the change they want to see in the World" (quote from Ghandi).

The 4th edition of MOMENTUM magazine is now ONLINE. You can read the magazine via this link:

Feel free to email us at for any question or comment or to submit an article, poem, short story or photography to be published in the 5th edition of the magazine. This time, we invite you to write about your community projects and achievements. 

Thank you and enjoy reading the magazine!


Chers membres de MOMENTUM,

La 4e édition du magazine Momentum est désormais EN LIGNE. Nous vous remercions de votre patience et vous invitons à la lire en suivant le lien web :

N'hésitez pas à nous écrire à pour toute question ou commentaire ou pour soumettre un écrit (article, poème, récit) ou une photographie pour la 5e édition du magazine. Cette fois, nous vous invitons à partager avec nous des écrits à propos de vos projets communautaires et/ou de vos autres réalisations.

Merci et bonne lecture du magazine!

Yassir EL Ouarzadi 
Co-Founder and Executive Director
MOMENTUM: Mission, Passion, Expression

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