
Saturday, October 23, 2010

When 1600 Changemakers Meet in Istanbul ... (Article published in Montreal University Law Journal - Le Pigeon Dissident - October 2010)

When 1600 Changemakers Meet in Istanbul ...

By Yassir EL Ouarzadi

Action, passion and dedication: three words that describe best what the 1600 World Youth Delegates irradiated during this unique global gathering. Hundreds of young activists, artists, journalists, entrepreneurs and educators met in the 2010 European Capital of Culture, Istanbul, from July 31st until August 13th, 2010 ready to live a very unique international experience. Such global events and meetings help us work together towards common purposes and find solutions to the challenges we, as youth, face everyday. "Imece" was the main theme of the 5th World Youth Congress. As Faruk Nafiz Özak, Minister of State of the Repulic of Turkey, said, "Imece" has existed in the Turkish culture for many centuries and its key qualities such as solidarity, togetherness, and volunteerism are just as relevant in today's world.

Nowadays, we live in a period of fast moving global change. In a world where the population is growing so fast, the challenges and problems that we face have gone from being local to universal. We have just to think to such issues as climate change, security, education, health, poverty... Globalization has removed the borders between continents and countries, thus creating the necessity for us to think, plan and act under the same roof. In these special circumstances, youth population becomes more important than ever before. 12 August 2010 - 12 August 2011 has been annouced as the Year of Youth by the United Nations. I hope that, throughout this designated year of youth, young people, all over the globe, will prove that they are not only changemakers of tomorrow, but leaders of today. Law Students can certainly play a major rule in transforming this dream into reality. As future lawyers, professors, journalists and politicians, we " must be the change we want to see in the world " (Gandhi).

My experience as a Young Activist was truly amazing and unforgettable! During the 5th World Youth Congress (WYC), I had the chance to meet with talented young people from all corners of the world. With my fellow WYC delegates, I attended different workshops, regional meetings and open forums during my stay in Istanbul. Some of the workshops focused on Youth Participation and Citizenship, others taught us how to get a job at the UN or how to develop effective entrepreneurship. It was really wonderful to witness the burning desire of the WYC delegates to work in the spirit of "Imece" for youth-led development. I was glad to meet with like-minded people who started community projects or are volunteering in their neighbourhoods, cities and countries. We shared many goals such as to make poverty history in our lifetimes and to create a prosperous green economy that will bring sustainable happiness to every member of the human family. During the Exhibition, I presented my project MOMENTUM: Mission, Passion, Expression to my fellow WYC delegates. It was a great opportunity to showcase my community initiative and interact with many dynamic youth willing to participate in our next editions of the MOMENTUM Magazine (

Istanbul, the city where East and West meet, was a great place to organize the 5th WYC. Since Istanbul, previously known as "Constantinople", is a melting pot of different cultures, it was a perfect place for delegates to share their knowledge, experiences and cultures with each other and to build strong bridges between countries. Istanbul is also a megacity, as well as the cultural, economic, and financial centre of Turkey. It extends both on the European (Thrace) and on the Asian (Anatolia) sides of the Bosphorus, and is thereby the only metropolis in the world which is situated on two continents. Here are some places you should not miss if you travel to Istanbul: Dolmabahçe Palace, where famous leader Ataturk had his last breath, the Grand Bazaar, a historic shopping center, the Blue Mosque (or Sultan Ahmed Mosque) and the Princes' Islands.

The 5th World Youth Congress in Turkey was not just an ordinary conferance, it was a festival, a training, a development programme, and an intercultural & interreligious dialogue at the same time. The 6th World Youth Congress, designed to promote and celebrate youth-led development, will bring together 1000 of the world's most dynamic young people from over 140 countries to Brazil in 2012. Let us all meet there!

Source: (please download the October 2010 Edition of the Montreal Univ. Law Journal. In French: "Dernier numéro du Pigeon: Octobre 2010")

Friday, October 01, 2010

Presentation on Climate Change in Montreal on 10/10/10 (Global Work Party)

This presentation will contain Quebec and Canada specific content in addition to the content derived from Mr. Gore’s personal presentation as delivered in the award-winning documentary «An Inconvenient Truth».
I will do my best to focus on the solutions to the climate crisis and share the science behind climate change with all the attendees. There will be a 15 minutes questions and answers (Q&A) period at the end of the conference.
The presentation will be in English and French.

In English:
There will be a presentation from 11 AM until 12:30 PM at The Grande Bibliothèque building in Montreal.
Address: 475, boulevard De Maisonneuve Est, Montréal (Québec) H2L 5C4 (metro Berri-Uqam)
Tel.: 514 873-1100

En français:
Il y aura une présentation de 11h à 12h30 à l'Édifice de la Grande Bibliothèque à Montréal.
Adresse : 475, boulevard De Maisonneuve Est, Montréal (Québec) H2L 5C4 (metro Berri-Uqam)
Téléphone : 514 873-1100

All the best,
Yassir EL Ouarzadi
Volunteer Presenter
The Climate Project Canada

Visit my website:

How to Get Involved Planning the Event: Helping to organize a series of workshops after the conference / m'aider à organiser une série d'ateliers après la conférence Online promotion, printing material and marketing / promotion en ligne, marketing et impression de dépliants et d'outils d'information

Event Host: The Climate Project Canada is a non-profit organization that serves as the Canadian component of a global movement of more than 3,000 diverse and dedicated volunteers from around the world. These volunteers have been personally trained by former US Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore to educate the public about the science and impacts of climate change as well as solutions to address the climate crisis. Climate Project presenters have already delivered presentations to over five million people worldwide. Mission: The Climate Project Canada seeks to raise awareness among all Canadians about the urgency of the climate crisis. We hope to motivate Canadians to become active participants in solving the climate crisis by: Training a diverse range of citizens from numerous geographic regions and walks of life, who will then communicate to the public about the urgency and impact of climate change. Engaging the public through presentations, news media and individual conversations as well as grassroots advocacy and activism so that they will make informed choices about public policy matters related to climate change. Promoting personal, local, domestic and international initiatives to solve the climate crisis. History: The Climate Project Canada was created in May 2007 with the objective of educating Canadians about the science and impact of climate change as well as solutions to address it. Based on the model of The Climate Project founded by former U.S. Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore, the primary means of disseminating this information is through trained presenters from all demographics, regions, sectors and backgrounds. These presenters give adapted versions of The Climate Project slide show as presented in the documentary An Inconvenient Truth. Between September 2006 and April 2007 Mr. Gore held several training sessions in the United States. It was during this time that Mr. Gore met his original target of training 1000 Americans, with a small contingent of 21 Canadians in the mix. Upon their return to Canada, these initial trainees were met with an ever-growing demand for Climate Project presentations. In May 2007, five of the original Canadian presenters (René Brunet, Peter Corbyn, Mike Gerbis, Shelley Kath and Désirée McGraw) co-founded The Climate Project Canada. They had a goal of bringing Mr. Gore to Canada in order to train hundreds more Canadians within a year. Source:

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dame cacophonie, vive la francophonie !


Euphonie, cacophonie ou francophonie ?
Voix discordantes ou ententes étonnantes ?
Tout le monde parle, crie et discute…
Toutes les idées se percutent …
Silence inexistant, paroles discordantes
Je suis bel et bien dame cacophonie.

* * *

Pan! Pan! Et hallali!
Ô profond spleen, as-tu fini?
Ce soir, un soleil égaré gît au faîte de la colline,
La nature ploie sous la pluie, et c’est la ruine!

* * *
Au sein de cet immense univers,
Je ne veux pas que le calme appert
Et rend les journées mélancoliques
Et les pensées quasi tragiques.

* * *

Francophone, francophile et québécoise
J’aime la vie mais aussi les conflits
Je suis bel et bien dame cacophonie
J’abhorre l’harmonie, je préfère être sournoise…

* * *

Aux amoureux du calme et de l’entente,
Attention aux nouvelles ahurissantes.
Face aux demandes et appels troublants
Demeurez des québécois confiants !

* * *

Euphonie, cacophonie ou francophonie ?
Voix discordantes ou ententes étonnantes ?
Tout le monde parle, crie et discute…
Toutes les idées se percutent …
Silence inexistant, paroles discordantes
Je suis bel et bien dame cacophonie.

© Poème élaboré par :

Étudiant en Droit
Université de Montréal
Fondateur et Directeur du projet Vivement la poésie!

Participation dans la catégorie littéraire

D’ART Blakes 2010 organisé à l'Université de Montréal

P.S. : ce poème a mérité le 1er prix dans la section «Œuvres littéraires» à l'Édition 2010 du Concours d'Arts Blakes

P.S.: Blakes est un grand cabinet d'avocats Canadien, pour plus d'informations sur ce cabinet et ses champs de pratique, visiter le site suivant: