
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Building the waka together ...

Dear visitors, friends and citizens of the world,

I would like to share with you a poem I started writing on December 11, 2013 and shared with elders and young leaders at the Synergized Earth Network Summit 2013 in the Netherlands yesterday at the closing ceremony. I intentionally composed the poem in four different languages to reflect the melting pot of cultures, backgrounds and nationalities that I witnessed at the summit and which we can admire each and every day in today's extraordinary world.

Hope you enjoy the poem. Please feel free to provide me with any feedback, suggestions or comments.

Building the waka together ...

Fellows, Elders, do you really know?
How the world we live in would grow?
How action and inspiration can flow?
If we work together in harmony and awe...
And create shared-value collaborations in a row...

J'ai longuement rêvé, cogité et ne me suis pas trompé
Comment m'épanouir dans un monde de plus en plus agité?
Créer des liens, agir, grandir, m'informer et admirer la beauté,
... l'intensité et l'impact d'un dialogue entre communautés ...
En dépit des différences qui auraient pu nous habiter ...

أتدري ... ما أبهى زينة للإنسان ؟
و أساس الحضارات في اي زمان و مكان؟
انه العلم.. علم يتحدى القيود و حدود البلدان...
هنا في هولندا بنينا قطار حب و معرفة يحيي الوجدان
!سميناه الوكا و جعلناه سبيل بلوغ مرام يعجز عن التعبير عنها اللسان

Me gusta mucho viajar, aprender, trabajar y soñar en unión ..
Aquí en SEN hemos combinado pasión con acción ..
¿Cómo es que nosotros podemos involucrarnos juntando la inspiración con la razón?
Llegar a ser agentes de cambio de un gran movimiento social con adoración
Levantar a nuestros pueblos para lo mejor desde Casablanca a Asunción ...

Dear brothers, sisters, waka companions,
Uncle Phil told me an Elder told him..
"That which you are seeking ... Is that which is seeking."
We can give by receiving and grow by sharing ...
Which we did in this amazing 3-days meeting ..
Thank you wholeheartedly for who you are in this defining timing ..
Let's continue inspiring each other and working together while dreaming ..
Growing, shining and moving the world for better now and forever ...

I would like to end with an inspirational quote from a late civil rights leader ...
"Don't worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive."

Written by: Yassir EL Ouarzadi. All Rights Reserved.